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Welcome to NEACEFE!


Our Events:

At NEACEFE, our events are what set us apart.  Join us for monthly cafes every Third Thursday of the month and of course, our Annual Fall Workshop, offered in October. 

Our events allow all members to network, discuss and learn best practices in our field from colleagues and employers.  These affordable and fun events take place here in New England or virtually depending on the event.

Stay tuned for future event information!

Upcoming Events:

Please join our monthly cafes that are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM

  • 04/09/2025 10:00 AM (EDT)
    Virtual Event via Zoom

Need to update your membership?

Membership to NEACEFE is for a full-year, renewing on July 1st.  A bundle membership includes three (3) members of your organization at a nominal rate.

Update your membership

Awards and more:

At each NEACEFE event, awards are given to an Outstanding Student, Employer, and/or NEACEFE member.

Know someone you'd like to nominate? 

More about awards

About Us:

NEACEFE (New England Association for Cooperative Education and Field Experience) is an association which promotes the development and expansion of experiential education programs within New England high schools, colleges, and universities and the employers of their students.

The Association has several basic goals:

  • Promote experiential education as an integral part of the education process.
  • Serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to experiential education between educators and employers.
  • Serve as a source of information to legislators and governmental agencies on the benefits of experiential education.
  • Design and offer professional development workshops and training to enhance the professional growth of our members.
  • Collaborate with other professional associations that have mutual interests.


NEACEFE has been serving New England for over 45 years!

 In the fall of 1976, a group of co-op directors and employers in New England recognized the need for a regional approach to foster the development and the expansion of cooperative education and field experience education programs. Their goal was to help experiential programs flourish in New England, and establish an organization where members could exchange ideas and share their unique experiences in the field.

Since that time, our membership has diversified to reflect the changing world of education and careers, incorporating all aspects of experiential education: co-op education, internships, field experience, community service, and career related job programs. Educational members come from high schools and two-/four-year, public/private, colleges/universities throughout the New England region, and other states. Employer members represent large and small corporate, governmental, and non-profit agencies.

NEACEFE invites new members to join us in our efforts to achieve our goals.

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Mailing Address:

Kate Moore, NEACEFE Treasurer

c/o Global Career Center

50 Milk Street, 16th Floor Boston, MA - 02109

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